Please don't come here seeking medical advice 03/05/2020
It's come to my attention recently that this blog has gained popularity in terms of increased number of page views. While admittedly its not a vast quantity by anyone's standards, far from filling me with any sort of authorial pride, I'm instead endowed with a certain level of concern for it's readers. Due to it's title which is both innovative and amusing in a punny and relatable sort of way, I feel partly responsible for having misdirected people with potentially really quite serious medical concerns.
Following on from this, I feel I must stress that if you're currently having an aneurysm, please do not come here seeking medical advice. This is a page filled with the unnecessarily overly convoluted ruminations of an inexperienced young adult, who enjoys satirising current events as well as my own misfortunes. If you genuinely feel like your life is in any sort of danger of very shortly coming to an end, speaking from a place of absolute, utter ignorance with regards to actual aneurysms, I really would advise contacting an medical professional. As much hilarity as my ramblings may provide, unfortunately their healing properties extend merely to down-trodden spirits rather than genuine illness or bodily grievances.
As compelling as the content of this blog may be, trust me, risking your life and wasting your last few precious moments to concern yourself with the fruits of my quite frankly erratic mentality is not worth it. Although I sincerely appreciate the gesture. There. I've hereby relieved myself of any moral responsibility of your physical well being.
That being said, if you have come here seeking medical advice and have not yet realised by this point that this isn't the place for you, then by all means, read on. You must take your fate into your own hands. If you are aware that you are in the last few moments of your life before death prematurely approaches and descends upon you, and you are choosing to spend them amidst the catastrophic splutterings of my mind, then you my friend are the epitome of human kindness. I can only offer you my gratitude, knowing absolutely nothing else about you at all.
Overall, please look after and prioritise your own health, both physical and mental. Once more, if you think you or a loved one may be having an aneurysm, I'd recommend getting a doctor's perspective. If not, we can smugly and metaphorically raise a glass to our own good health. Either way, thank you very much for visiting. I do hope you enjoy your stay.
Following on from this, I feel I must stress that if you're currently having an aneurysm, please do not come here seeking medical advice. This is a page filled with the unnecessarily overly convoluted ruminations of an inexperienced young adult, who enjoys satirising current events as well as my own misfortunes. If you genuinely feel like your life is in any sort of danger of very shortly coming to an end, speaking from a place of absolute, utter ignorance with regards to actual aneurysms, I really would advise contacting an medical professional. As much hilarity as my ramblings may provide, unfortunately their healing properties extend merely to down-trodden spirits rather than genuine illness or bodily grievances.
As compelling as the content of this blog may be, trust me, risking your life and wasting your last few precious moments to concern yourself with the fruits of my quite frankly erratic mentality is not worth it. Although I sincerely appreciate the gesture. There. I've hereby relieved myself of any moral responsibility of your physical well being.
That being said, if you have come here seeking medical advice and have not yet realised by this point that this isn't the place for you, then by all means, read on. You must take your fate into your own hands. If you are aware that you are in the last few moments of your life before death prematurely approaches and descends upon you, and you are choosing to spend them amidst the catastrophic splutterings of my mind, then you my friend are the epitome of human kindness. I can only offer you my gratitude, knowing absolutely nothing else about you at all.
Overall, please look after and prioritise your own health, both physical and mental. Once more, if you think you or a loved one may be having an aneurysm, I'd recommend getting a doctor's perspective. If not, we can smugly and metaphorically raise a glass to our own good health. Either way, thank you very much for visiting. I do hope you enjoy your stay.
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