Lowry's out in the street again

 Lowry’s out in the street again; 

he’s up to his old painting tricks.  

We’ve already been out and had a word 

but nothing seems to phase him. 

He remains out there, still, 

Facing the upstream pull of the hustle and bustle.  

And in the evening he’s still there, 

painting away as the crowds rush home again. 

You’d think maybe in winter he’d give it a break; 

the nip of the chill of the day too cold

for his fingertips. 

And making it difficult to grip the end of the paintbrush. 

But Lowry doesn’t even seem to notice the cold, 

never mind mind it. 

And he paints the snow into his scenes of people 

as the flakes mix and mingle with the paint 

(and melt right into his canvas).


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